Thursday, June 13, 2013

Now hear this...

Since I had an overwhelming ZERO views of my last blog, I have come to realize this is pointless. So, this is my very last blog. I'm torn between leaving behind bits of wisdom, or sarcastic bits of snarkiness.
Instead of putting in all of that effort for no reason, I am just going to say this, I tried. I tried to chronicle my journey in hopes of garnering support from friends and family and possibly even inspiring others. I tried. I failed. I move on.


Monday, June 3, 2013

Here comes the rain (again)

Yes, after a 5 day stint of 95 degree weather, and the humidity to go along with it, Philadelphia is back to rain. At least it has brought with it more reasonable temperatures. Will the humidity subside? Probably not.  Oh well, what can one do? Biking is out...sure don't want to risk that. But running is in! Have to get this Achilles in shape enough to do the Philly Olympic Tri on June 23rd. Keep your fingers crossed folks, it's a difficult injury to bounce back from; it sucks actually.

I do have to wonder, though, why, in the coffee shop where I am currently, they have infomercials for yard tools playing on the television instead of news or something a tad bit more interesting and well, informative. Seriously.  Which reminds me, I need to get wire cutters.

So the plan.... stop and get wire cutters, go home and change, hit the pavement running.

Later dudes...


Thursday, May 30, 2013

Humidity, Achilles and Twitter...

So, yeah, my Achilles is definitely messed up. Thanks to Bob for taking a look and giving me pointers, exercises, stretches, heal this stupid heel (I couldn't help myself with that one).
I did go out for a light interval session yesterday. 2 minutes jog/2 minutes walk. Got in somewhere around 1 1/2 miles. Iced the bejesus out of my foot and massage it like mad last night. Will go out again on Saturday for the same. And yes, Bob, I'm doing my stretches and exercises!

Summer finally decided to show it's ugly face. And by ugly, I mean hot and more humid than my hair cares to deal with. I grapple each year around this time with shaving my head so as to not have to deal with the Medusa mop that becomes my hair in the Philly summertime. Thick curly hair and humidity do not a good combination make. And when you add in training... yep. It's a sexy look. Just sayin'
Insomnia is also not a good friend to someone who is training. And unfortunately I've been dealing with that way too much lately. It got so bad that I actually created a Twitter account the other night? WTF was I thinking!?! I don't even understand how to use that. I think it's all due to the Achilles injury.  At least that's what I am telling myself. The lack of being able to train as I would like is driving me mad.

So what is my point in this blog? That when in the midst of a Philadelphia humid summer with uncontrollable hair and an injury during training, one does stupid things like create Twitter accounts...
I can deal with my hair issues, but PLEASE let my Achilles heal quickly b/c I don't want to end up with some other crazy account like Pinetrest (what the hell is that anyway??)...

Peace out,

ps.. It would be really cool if you actually followed or responded to my blog, that way I won't feel like I'm talking to myself, I do enough of that already!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Achilles aggravation and reconnecting with a dear old friend

Hoping this foot heals so I can race Philly Tri June 23...
Unofficial diagnosis (thanks Bob Otto): Plantar tendon faciaitis.... not a happy camper/triathlete

Not all is bad though... I reconnected with a dear friend from childhood. After 23 years, Arlene Boyle, it was like time had stood still and we just picked up. Granted, back then there was no internet, Facebook, etc... I'm sure glad we have them now. You made my day, old friend.

Any time you want tips for training, just ask!

Peace, love, and camp!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

One month out...and other random thoughts

I don't exactly know how it happened, but summer appeared in Philadelphia the past couple of days. We literally went from the season of "shit weather" to the well known (I seriously hesitate to use the word "love" to describe this) heat and humidity which is Philadelphia in the summer. Happy days are here again.... so long as one can get up early enough to beat said heat and humidity for training.
I was lucky enough to beat the humidity at least the other day on my first ride after suffering an ankle/Achilles sprain a month ago.
The way the sun felt on my skin, the sweat pouring out of my body...the smell of blooming flowers and trees, nice riders on the SRT (even ended up riding with a gentleman for about 10 miles, super nice guy, made me pick it up a notch. very thankful)...helping a family who had two small kids crash into each other (they were fine, just in a little shock)...the desire to keep riding instead of stopping... how much further can I REALLY go?? Well, it turned out to be 45 miles. I haven't felt that fantastic in awhile (damn ankle injury).
To me, there's nothing like setting out on a ride (or run) with no time limit, no mileage goal... just the goal to ride the best I can for however long that lasts. If I feel great, I keep going, if I feel like shit, probably best to call it a day. This day, Tuesday, I just kept going.
And what helped me keep going? My new favorite energy bar... Vega Sport Endurance Bar.
Plant based, gluten, dairy and soy free! So nice to finally have vegan options to choose. Now, if races would provide vegan options for the post-race food (veg broth, red pie instead of pizza with cheese, anything without cheese and dairy really).
So, one month from today is the Philadelphia Triathlon, now a part of the TriRock Series. Keep your fingers crossed for good weather (no rain the night before or day off, if only because I do not want this race to turn into a duathlon), and, that my Achilles heals well enough that I will actually be able to at least jog the run portion.. that part is still up in the air.

Stay tuned... and inspire me. I welcome all tips, ideas, comments, words of encouragement, etc. I'm training on my own, it can be tough sometimes to find that motivation. I rarely ask people for help, but with such an undertaking and still the goal of a half-Ironman in mind.... I reach out.

And, I would be remiss if I did not send my thoughts and prayers to those in Oklahoma.

And, to Mary Rascon... much love. Lee's love will live on...


Thursday, May 9, 2013

The dilemma of picking my 70.3 race

So, I'm really gonna do it. I've made the commitment to do....and finish.... a 70.3 race. The only thing that remains is deciding which race. Do I train my ass off and do Miami this year on Oct 27? Or do I make 2014 my year and do either Syracuse or Raleigh??

Need your help on this one...

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The art of blowing snot rockets

While I was on my ride today (31.2 miles), I started thinking about the things triathletes, or runners or cyclists, do that would not be considered proper dinner table conversation. I of course thought of this while blowing what was probably my fifth snot rocket of the ride. Yep, great meal time talk! Mom is so proud.
I credit my nearly flawless rocket and hocker technique to my two older brothers. Who knew those spitting contests when we were kids would actually be useful one day?! Maybe they should add this to school curricula... Life skills.
I also credit yoga. Yes, yoga. There is a specific type of breathing in yoga call in which you breathe through one nostril while holding the other closed and then for the breath out, you switch nostrils. It is a great form of breathing and very relaxing. And who knew it had the added benefit of perfecting the snot rocket? 

Some key points to remember when launching away... make sure you turn your head, just enough so that your chin is at your shoulder therefore allowing the to be blown nostril to be over your shoulder and out of the way of your body or jersey. Blow down and backward... you don't want that shit flying back in your face. Speaking of, it would be nice to first check to see if anyone is behind you... the only thing worse than getting hit with your own snot is getting hit with someone else's (one of the benefits of riding alone is not having to worry about this). Sometimes not all of it gets out. That's okay. That is really what your gloves are for. HA! you thought your gloves were to make your hands more comfortable!! Kleenex in disguise my friends. 
If you're afraid someone might see, or hear, you blow a rocket... get over it! They're doing it too! 

Happy riding!

Monday, April 22, 2013

It all counts and we are all in this together

April 22...Earth Day. A day to celebrate the natural beauty that surrounds us and that we often take for granted. A day to be thankful for being given the opportunity to live amongst the beauty, natural and human. This is no more true as the world, especially those in Boston, begin the healing process from the horrific acts last Monday. As despicable and ugly as that has been, there is beauty in how not jus o e city, but the entire world has come together to help those in Boston heal. Rivalries set aside, religious differences set aside, race set aside, humanity pulled together.

And on this earth day, I wanted to show my love for the outdoors, be active as many are doing across the country in honor of Boston ( #BostonStrong), so I hopped on my bike. I think Mother Earth is still crying from the devastation of last week, for although sunny-ish out, she was howling like a banshee in Irish folklore. Cold and windy, blowing snot-rockets seemingly every other minute, I pedaled on. No Mother Earth, we will never forget, we will forever honor and love and stay strong.

Peace & love,

Saturday, April 20, 2013

This one's for you, Bob Otto!

I decided it was time. It's actually past time. Training has officially begun, albeit somewhat late, for the 2013 triathlon season. First race up, the "new" Tri Rock Phily Olympic race the end of June.
With the weather finally changing and getting to ride outside instead of on the trainer, my spirits were lifted and renewed. Watching the Boston marathon and all that has happened this week only makes my will to train and tri and even run all the more powerful.
I think I will shoot for the half-ironman for 2014... this year, Olympic and Sprint distances and a some 5ks before I FINISH the Philly full marathon in December. I finished the half marathon in 2012, had a great experience and now, it's time to step it up. Go hard or go home.

Whatever your goals are for this year, or the next several years. Don't give up. There will be good days and bad days, trust me (and any other person who is an athlete). But it is part of the journey, and that journey is remarkable. It is powerful. It is inspiring to others. And damnit if you don't feel great in the end! And that is what truly matters. That and having fun. Because, if you're not having fun, what's the point. So put some fun in your workouts. And I promise to practice what I preach.



Saturday, March 16, 2013

Lost mojo, coaching and who knows what else

Yikes.... I have been incredibly lax in my blogging. Truth be told, I've been incredibly lax in my training since the end of last season (2012). Once the National Harbor 70.3 race was cancelled I sort of lost my mojo. Haven't quite regained it yet either, despite running my first half-marathon in November. Yes, I somehow managed to run the Philadelphia half-marathon the week before Thanksgiving on very little training. I surprised myself and finished half an hour faster than I thought I would. Just imagine what I could have done if I had actually trained.

WIth my cousin, Chris Conti at the finish in Annapolis

FINISHER! Philly Olympic Tri

proudly displaying my new age category!

SheRox. Check.

FINISHER! 2012 Philly Half-marathon!

Thank god for the heat blankets at the end!! 
Although my 70.3 was cancelled last year--which BTW was my goal for turning 40 last year--, I did manage to get in 3 good races... TriRock Annapolis (thanks to my cousins Suzanne Martin & Chris Conti for coming out to cheer me on), Philadelphia Triathlon (Olympic distance) and Philly SheRox (sprint).
No races registered for yet this season. In all honesty, I have to wonder if my racing days are over. Either that or I am just too damn poor to afford the entry fees. Maybe both.

In the meantime, I will continue coaching my awesome Master's Swim program at Bryn Mawr College. Brings me much joy to see them all improve and push themselves to beyond where they thought they could go. Same holds true for the undergraduate students at Bryn Mawr who have to take beginning swimming in order to graduate. Most of these young women have never set foot in a swimming pool and would have been just fine in life if they never had to. But, alas, they chose a college with a swimming requirement. And, much to my delight, and more importantly theirs, 90% of them actually end up loving the water and swimming! Talk about pushing beyond what they thought themselves capable of. I am so proud of every single one of the students I have had so far this year. They keep me going.