Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The art of blowing snot rockets

While I was on my ride today (31.2 miles), I started thinking about the things triathletes, or runners or cyclists, do that would not be considered proper dinner table conversation. I of course thought of this while blowing what was probably my fifth snot rocket of the ride. Yep, great meal time talk! Mom is so proud.
I credit my nearly flawless rocket and hocker technique to my two older brothers. Who knew those spitting contests when we were kids would actually be useful one day?! Maybe they should add this to school curricula... Life skills.
I also credit yoga. Yes, yoga. There is a specific type of breathing in yoga call in which you breathe through one nostril while holding the other closed and then for the breath out, you switch nostrils. It is a great form of breathing and very relaxing. And who knew it had the added benefit of perfecting the snot rocket? 

Some key points to remember when launching away... make sure you turn your head, just enough so that your chin is at your shoulder therefore allowing the to be blown nostril to be over your shoulder and out of the way of your body or jersey. Blow down and backward... you don't want that shit flying back in your face. Speaking of, it would be nice to first check to see if anyone is behind you... the only thing worse than getting hit with your own snot is getting hit with someone else's (one of the benefits of riding alone is not having to worry about this). Sometimes not all of it gets out. That's okay. That is really what your gloves are for. HA! you thought your gloves were to make your hands more comfortable!! Kleenex in disguise my friends. 
If you're afraid someone might see, or hear, you blow a rocket... get over it! They're doing it too! 

Happy riding!

Monday, April 22, 2013

It all counts and we are all in this together

April 22...Earth Day. A day to celebrate the natural beauty that surrounds us and that we often take for granted. A day to be thankful for being given the opportunity to live amongst the beauty, natural and human. This is no more true as the world, especially those in Boston, begin the healing process from the horrific acts last Monday. As despicable and ugly as that has been, there is beauty in how not jus o e city, but the entire world has come together to help those in Boston heal. Rivalries set aside, religious differences set aside, race set aside, humanity pulled together.

And on this earth day, I wanted to show my love for the outdoors, be active as many are doing across the country in honor of Boston ( #BostonStrong), so I hopped on my bike. I think Mother Earth is still crying from the devastation of last week, for although sunny-ish out, she was howling like a banshee in Irish folklore. Cold and windy, blowing snot-rockets seemingly every other minute, I pedaled on. No Mother Earth, we will never forget, we will forever honor and love and stay strong.

Peace & love,

Saturday, April 20, 2013

This one's for you, Bob Otto!

I decided it was time. It's actually past time. Training has officially begun, albeit somewhat late, for the 2013 triathlon season. First race up, the "new" Tri Rock Phily Olympic race the end of June.
With the weather finally changing and getting to ride outside instead of on the trainer, my spirits were lifted and renewed. Watching the Boston marathon and all that has happened this week only makes my will to train and tri and even run all the more powerful.
I think I will shoot for the half-ironman for 2014... this year, Olympic and Sprint distances and a some 5ks before I FINISH the Philly full marathon in December. I finished the half marathon in 2012, had a great experience and now, it's time to step it up. Go hard or go home.

Whatever your goals are for this year, or the next several years. Don't give up. There will be good days and bad days, trust me (and any other person who is an athlete). But it is part of the journey, and that journey is remarkable. It is powerful. It is inspiring to others. And damnit if you don't feel great in the end! And that is what truly matters. That and having fun. Because, if you're not having fun, what's the point. So put some fun in your workouts. And I promise to practice what I preach.

