Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Cleared by the surgeon!

Yes, good news came last week as my shoulder surgeon cleared me. A few more sessions of PT and I should be on my way. Well, actually I'm already on my way. Friday proved to be a great swim day, somewhere around 1500 yards. Saturday I was feeling good, so why not hit the hills of Manayunk?! Yeah, I was feeling that one later. But it felt good at the time. And I need the hill practice... so, Patrick, my brother, my coach, bring on the hills of Amish country next week! (Just don't be too brutal or I'll tell on you!).

I am now trying to balance class work with training. This is not as easy as I had hoped. The lure of nice weather certainly proves a distraction to getting course work done. Wimbledon wasn't a help either. Great tournament this year!

Must write paper before swimbikerun training....

Until next time...