Saturday, March 16, 2013

Lost mojo, coaching and who knows what else

Yikes.... I have been incredibly lax in my blogging. Truth be told, I've been incredibly lax in my training since the end of last season (2012). Once the National Harbor 70.3 race was cancelled I sort of lost my mojo. Haven't quite regained it yet either, despite running my first half-marathon in November. Yes, I somehow managed to run the Philadelphia half-marathon the week before Thanksgiving on very little training. I surprised myself and finished half an hour faster than I thought I would. Just imagine what I could have done if I had actually trained.

WIth my cousin, Chris Conti at the finish in Annapolis

FINISHER! Philly Olympic Tri

proudly displaying my new age category!

SheRox. Check.

FINISHER! 2012 Philly Half-marathon!

Thank god for the heat blankets at the end!! 
Although my 70.3 was cancelled last year--which BTW was my goal for turning 40 last year--, I did manage to get in 3 good races... TriRock Annapolis (thanks to my cousins Suzanne Martin & Chris Conti for coming out to cheer me on), Philadelphia Triathlon (Olympic distance) and Philly SheRox (sprint).
No races registered for yet this season. In all honesty, I have to wonder if my racing days are over. Either that or I am just too damn poor to afford the entry fees. Maybe both.

In the meantime, I will continue coaching my awesome Master's Swim program at Bryn Mawr College. Brings me much joy to see them all improve and push themselves to beyond where they thought they could go. Same holds true for the undergraduate students at Bryn Mawr who have to take beginning swimming in order to graduate. Most of these young women have never set foot in a swimming pool and would have been just fine in life if they never had to. But, alas, they chose a college with a swimming requirement. And, much to my delight, and more importantly theirs, 90% of them actually end up loving the water and swimming! Talk about pushing beyond what they thought themselves capable of. I am so proud of every single one of the students I have had so far this year. They keep me going.