Thursday, June 13, 2013

Now hear this...

Since I had an overwhelming ZERO views of my last blog, I have come to realize this is pointless. So, this is my very last blog. I'm torn between leaving behind bits of wisdom, or sarcastic bits of snarkiness.
Instead of putting in all of that effort for no reason, I am just going to say this, I tried. I tried to chronicle my journey in hopes of garnering support from friends and family and possibly even inspiring others. I tried. I failed. I move on.


Monday, June 3, 2013

Here comes the rain (again)

Yes, after a 5 day stint of 95 degree weather, and the humidity to go along with it, Philadelphia is back to rain. At least it has brought with it more reasonable temperatures. Will the humidity subside? Probably not.  Oh well, what can one do? Biking is out...sure don't want to risk that. But running is in! Have to get this Achilles in shape enough to do the Philly Olympic Tri on June 23rd. Keep your fingers crossed folks, it's a difficult injury to bounce back from; it sucks actually.

I do have to wonder, though, why, in the coffee shop where I am currently, they have infomercials for yard tools playing on the television instead of news or something a tad bit more interesting and well, informative. Seriously.  Which reminds me, I need to get wire cutters.

So the plan.... stop and get wire cutters, go home and change, hit the pavement running.

Later dudes...
