Sunday, August 7, 2011

SheRox Philly

Done with physical therapy, now time to put it to the test!!

Today I will do my first tri of the season, late I know, but that's what happens when you get hit by a car and have to have shoulder surgery...everything you want to do is put on hold. This is a big day. I have to admit, I am nervous, partly because it is raining and I'm afraid the race will turn into a duathlon...not what a swimmer wants to hear race morning!

I have no expectations going into this race. I know I'm not 100%, but I have to give it a go. I have to find out if I will be ready and able to do 70.3 in October. So, this is my test race.

Here goes....She ya at the finish!



Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Cleared by the surgeon!

Yes, good news came last week as my shoulder surgeon cleared me. A few more sessions of PT and I should be on my way. Well, actually I'm already on my way. Friday proved to be a great swim day, somewhere around 1500 yards. Saturday I was feeling good, so why not hit the hills of Manayunk?! Yeah, I was feeling that one later. But it felt good at the time. And I need the hill practice... so, Patrick, my brother, my coach, bring on the hills of Amish country next week! (Just don't be too brutal or I'll tell on you!).

I am now trying to balance class work with training. This is not as easy as I had hoped. The lure of nice weather certainly proves a distraction to getting course work done. Wimbledon wasn't a help either. Great tournament this year!

Must write paper before swimbikerun training....

Until next time...

Sunday, June 19, 2011

De ja vu... all over again

Each time I end a workout ride or run I think it is impossible to get any grosser.

Then I run or ride the next day... de ja vu all over again!!

This weekend I'm not sure after which training session I felt more gross, the 75 mile ride I took on Saturday or the 7 mile run/jog around Valley Forge today. Don't get me wrong, I actually embrace this sort of grossness... it's a sense of accomplishment. I pushed myself both days, especially at the end. And I felt BETTER at the end than I did in the beginning.

Even better, I'm back in the pool! Not crankin' out the yardage just yet, but I'm in the pool. There's only one other time getting in the pool felt so good. Progress is being made. I may just be able to do this after all....

 don't let the smile fool you... i was hurting at this point...

7th mile stretch

 super smoothie!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Dog days of summer

The heat and humidity are taking no prisoners already. Damn... By 8:30 this morning it was already over 80 degrees with the heat index even higher. I'm glad I got in two long rides and a few jogs in before this heat wave.

What's a trainee to do in conditions like this? Strength training!! And keep hydrated.

First up... crunches. Followed by ab twists w/ the medicine ball, more crunches and obliques. Easy enough to do at home. Unfortunately I have to rely on the gym for the rest of strength training...

I suppose the next logical thing to do would be to hop back in the pool and get my swim on. Well, I realized something this morning. I'm scared to get back in the pool. Crazy, right? I think so. I haven't been in the pool since the accident in December. At that point I was swimming 5000 yards three times a week. I don't know if it's ego getting in the way (wanting to just get in and swim like I had been) or some other fear (is my shoulder ready/strong enough? will I reinjure it?). Either way... this sucks. Can't do a triathlon without swimming.

Must get out of my head... any suggestions?

Sunday, June 5, 2011

A small training vacation

Ahhh... the Outer Banks. Beautiful! Perfect for a little change of scenery in the training. Run on the beach, ride on islands.. if only I could have actually swum in the ocean instead of just play. Not that I'm complaining...
I was warned about the crazy drivers on Hatteras and Ocracoke, that perhaps it wasn't safe to ride there. Well, I just have to say, I'd much rather ride on Hatteras than in the suburbs of Philly. At least they have a shoulder. I felt much safer riding there than I do at home. Not to mention the fact that the scenery is so much better, the air nicer to breathe, and a big-ass swimming pool waiting for me at the end of the ride!

So how did I use this to my advantage? Morning jogs and walks on the beach, one 20+ mile ride to and from the famed Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, 40 mile (give or take) to and from Ocracoke (with 2 40-minute ferry rides to cut it up), walking and playing soccer on the beach with my sister, coffee overlooking the ocean every morning, and dinner doing the same every night, fresh, homemade pineapple juice (yummy), perfect weather, no massive sunburns (a first for this fair-skinned, freckled Irish girl) and a wonderful visit with my big sister, Bridget!

And now I'm back in Philly.... yesterday was a semi-grueling 40 mile ride. I can't seem to catch a wind break, ever! Even on Hatteras. It feels like that, no matter which direction I am heading, I'm catching a head-wind. WTF??? A tail-wind one of these times would be nice. Please. Is that so much to ask?! I was hurting, but I pushed through. Even with the water, gels, and gatorade. Really, what else can you do when you're doing an out-and-back?!! I was happy to see my Jeep.

Gotta get my head together... What I've been doing on every ride and every run is envisioning the finish of a race, the race. Poconos 70.3. Streets lined with cheering people, (hopefully) family waiting at the finish to catch me, the thrill of accomplishing a dream. Positive energy. Positive thoughts. To steal a line from Bree Wee (winner of yesterday's Hawaii 70.3), "I struggled yesterday so I could win today"-Devlin. I know I won't ever "win" a race by timing standards, but I think that "winning" is what we make it to be. For me, it will be getting to the start line, then through the swim, then the bike and the run, and finally, crossing, or stumbling, or crawling across the finish line. I will have won for myself.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Rough start to the week

After a great week last week, this week starts the opposite. Barely able to get through a mile and a half run, and this after a full days rest yesterday. What gives? Am I not cut out for this? Maybe this is just some whacked out fantasy made for someone else.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Lawnmowers, weedwackers and motorcycles

Yes, finally, a day of sun! Out the door I went this morning to meet a riding buddy (poor thing is getting over pneumonia...she was happy to get outside!). Windows down, music playing, and the buzz of lawnmowers, weedwackers and motorcycles. I wasn't the only one itching for sun! Folks finally got to tame their lawns and motorcyclists got to ride free.
Needless to say, the SRT was packed full of people happy to be outside and not worry about torrential rains. By the time Martha and I finished our ride, I decided "what the hell! i'll go for a run. it's just too damn nice to go home." So, off came the bike shoes and helmet and on went the sneaks and visor (thanks Packy).
And, for 3 miles, I kept repeating to myself "must practice bricks more often." I almost forgot what it's like to run after biking. Took me about 3/4 mile to get my jogging legs to work. Whew.

What got me through? Staying hydrated on both the bike and the run. A banana and a Hammer Gel (Montana Huckleberry) after the bike, and a nice big juicy orange and some peanuts after the run.

I'm about a week away from being able to get back in the pool! As excited as I am about the thought, I'm also super nervous. Nervous that I will beat myself up for not being able jump in and swim 5,000 right away. Gonna have to leave the ego in the locker room.

Rain, rain and more rain...

This week has been anything but conducive to training outside. A little frustrating and unmotivating to say the least. But... I got through, and this morning (Saturday) the birds are chirping, AND THE SUN IS SHINING!!!

As for the week... mostly strength training and core. My shoulder is coming along fantastically, up to 30lbs on the lat pulldowns and chest rows! I should be able to get back to swimming in another week. Then I'll be able to fully train for this crazy dream of mine.

The weakest of the three disciplines for me is running. I was never a runner. Yeah, I played basketball in highschool, but that is short sprinting. And yeah, I played soccer as well, but I was goalie, not exactly the running position on the field. I always feel the most anxious about running; this is when the evil little voice in my head kicks in.. "You're not a runner.. just walk it." "Who are you kidding?" I admit, a lot of times I let that voice get the best of me. Yesterday I didn't.
A dreary, drizzly day in Philadelphia, I couldn't stand it anymore. I had to go running. I had tried the day before but torrential downpours put a quick end to that. I can handle drizzly. I have found that Valley Forge is the perfect place to train. A 6-7 mile loop around the beautiful historic park, a good mix of hills and flats. There's even a few water fountains and restrooms along the way!!
It was a great workout... the hill at the beginning was a bit unwelcoming so soon, but I got over it (no pun intended) and kept moving. By the end, I was running (okay, maybe doing the Kona Trot) much better than I ever have. I could hear myself think, and not the sound of huffing and puffing, my feet felt great, stopped and stretched a few times to loosen up the hams and IT band and hip muscles (residual effects of being hit in December still linger). By the end of the workout, I was feeling a-okay! I think it was knowing that I had a great big juicy orange and two more bottles of water waiting for me in my Jeep.
To make a good workout even better, and to prevent major soreness, I decided to take an ice bath. That shit is cold!! I'm just saying... Maybe when the temps outside are higher than the temp in the ice bath it won't be so bad...

happy sunny saturday!
get outside!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Valley Forge NP

What started out as a drizzly, dreary day turned into a perfect run (well, let's be real here... jog/walk) day! So instead of going to the gym, I hit up Valley Forge NP. I'm thinking this is my new favorite place to train. Great mix of flats and hills. I jogged the entire perimeter of the park (roughly 6 miles I think). Not to shabby time wise either.

However, the best part of the day came when I got back to my car. There was an older woman sitting in the car next to mine reading the newspaper. We struck up a conversation. She reminded me of my great aunt, Anna. She made my day, and I think I may have made hers as well.

I must admit, my timing for today was impeccable. Icky weather in the morning, turns to good weather, turns to torrential downpours when I finish my run. It's as if the sky opened just for me. At least that is what I'm going to believe.

Dinner time...

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Here comes the rain again...

The rains have commenced, thus taking the training indoors. Judging from the forecast, I will be a gym rat for the next week, if not longer. I'm not completely happy about this, it wouldn't be so bad if I were able to start swimming. That is still to come though.
So for now, core and leg strengthening, and cardio/endurance work, all of which are certainly needed.
Good news in physical therapy... strength is returning! I started doing some lat pulldowns, rows and a few free weight exercises. Granted the poundage is minimal, but 7 weeks out of surgery, I'll take it! Just motivates me more to push harder (but not too hard as to re-injure myself) and make it to that start line on October 2.

Kukulu ka 'ike i ka 'opua

First 20 mile ride! Definitely stoked. Feel great, for the most part. My shoulder is pretty sore but I expect that right now.

What I always have with me on long(ish) rides... 2-3 bottles, at least one filled w/ gatorade (usually frozen overnight so it's more like a slushie by the time i get to it!), Hammer Gel Montana Huckleberry for fuel, RoadID. After the ride, it's usually a big-ass orange and more water. And the best post-ride activity, laying in the grass, looking up to the clouds...

Kukulu ka 'ike i ka 'opua

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Summer To-Do List

Since classes have ended and all of my grades are turned in, summer has officially begun. The question now is, where to begin summer?
On the To-Do List:
  • Train
  • Revamp courses for Fall
  • Prepare to go back to school in the Fall as a student
  • Train
  • Relax
  • Write
  • Train
The second question.... how to manage it all. When I was little and needed to start a project for school I would get so anxious. My mother's words always helped, and still do, "The hardest part of anything is getting started." Every time I think of these words I envision  the World Book Encyclopedia, 3x5 note cards, and numerous other papers spread out across the kitchen table and my 3rd grade, 7 year old self sitting and staring, wondering "Where do I start?" Then my mother's words, and I picked up the encyclopedia and began reading about the Pueblo Indians and jotting notes on notecards.
So... how do I tackle the above list? With mom's words, the memory of my first research work and a love of everything on that list. I will get through it... all the while keeping you updated!

Aloha and happy summer!

Two thumbs up from the surgeon and the physical therapist!

Today marks 7 weeks since my shoulder surgery. Yesterday I had my 2nd follow-up with the surgeon. He was beyond impressed with the progress I am making. Range of motion is good, strength is getting there. And I have my physical therapist Steph to thank! Thanks, Steph!!

With that news, I am able to get back in the pool, limited to kicking for now, but still, progress. And let's be honest, swimming is all about kicking and core. What better way to get back than sporting the fins and a kickboard for awhile?

Time to get chlorinated...
happy swimbikerun, or whatever version you choose.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Quick post...

10:45 minute mile!!!! Beyond super stoked!
More later...

Be active...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Back in the saddle...

Just when I thought my 70.3 dream was completely unreachable, I hopped on my bike ("Orange Crush" or "Creamsicle") on a mild--65 degrees--windy day along the Schuylkill River Trail. 15 miles may not seem like much right now, but it is a huge step in what has become a long, frustrating recovery. Not only did I clock 15 miles on Friday, I did the same on Saturday. Am I sore? A little. But it is a damn good feeling.

Before my ride.... homemade super smoothie! Orange juice, banana, mixed berries and pineapple and chia seeds. One word: YUMMY!
During my ride.... water and gatorade aplenty. HYDRATION. HYDRATION. HYDRATION. This is something I cannot say often enough. I make my swim team bring water bottles to practice and make them take "water breaks." Do they hem and haw? Absolutely. Have their complaints of cramps and fatigue gone down. You betchya!
After my ride... stretch, water, and a super yummy orange.

So maybe this dream isn't so unreachable after all...

Running. It breaks me every time. On this beautiful Sunday (Mother's Day) I headed to Valley Forge National Park...which, by the way, if anyone needs to practice hills, the place for repeats! Sunny, not to hot (70 degrees) and a park full of happy families celebrating mom. Normally the crowds would have steered me away, but seeing so many families of all ages enjoying such a beautiful day, I stayed and set out on my jog. Just wish their happiness would have transfered to my feet. My feet were killing me!  I have no idea why this was so, but it was. My shoes? I don't think so, I've worn them enough. Sore from riding 2 days in a row? Highly unlikely. All I know is that I was quite pleased to be finished w/ the 4 1/2 mile jog-that-turned-into-a-walk.

How to end a crummy training day? GRILL OUT!! Loving the fact that I now live in a place w/ a useable courtyard and neighbors with similar interests. Turns out, I wasn't the only one with the brilliant idea to grill... a great way to end the day, meeting neighbors, talking swimbikerun, enjoying wine and good veggies... My feet will recover.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

The goal

crazy week

Sometimes being in academia can put a kink in those things one would rather be doing... such as training, socializing, training, sleeping, training.
Such has been the case this week with the end of the semester and finals. Students clamoring for extra credit and whining about their grades..if only they understood that their grades would be better if they came to class, did the work when they were supposed to and actually studied for exams. A novel idea I guess.

Anyway.... I was able to get a few days the first half of the week... Easter Sunday proved to be a gorgeous day, perfect for a jog/walk around the campus of Haverford College. Beautiful setting. The loop is (I believe) 2 miles. Another park, across from where I work, is proving to be a good jog loop. Not sure how long it is, but is has a nice mix of sun & shade, flats and hills.

So now, after giving my last final (whoever scheduled finals for Saturday needs a serious talking to)... I'm off to do another ride. Obviously not as aggressive a ride as I would like to do right now, but I will take what I can get. Have to remember I'm still recovering from the accident and surgery. It's going to take time to get to where I wish I was right now.

Biking then grading... that's the plan for the rest of the weekend....


Wednesday, April 27, 2011


This is on my fridge for motivation. It will be on my car October 3, 2011 for pride!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Recovery sucks

I have to keep reminding myself that I am only a month out of shoulder surgery, and six months since I've been able to do any type of exercise. "I will get back, I will get back."

First ride om my bike today... short (by my standards), only 8 miles. I did do the ride after physical therapy though. I can not wait to have the stability and strength back in my shoulder. I do believe ICE is my best friend at the moment.

I'll be ready for October 2, right?

Sunday, April 24, 2011

What's to come...

The plan is to set up and possibly share my nutritional revelations as well as my training log. I have to sit down, look at my calendar and plan, plan, plan.
I am lucky to live in an area that is chock full of hills, which will prepare me well for a race in the Poconos. However, my hill skills are lacking. I welcome any suggestions to help in this department, especially when it comes to the run, as the run is the weakest of the 3 disciplines for me.

So... if you have thoughts or suggestions, I am completely open.
Another gorgeous day... think I'll become one with nature. Haverford nature trail sounds good.... packing my oranges, watered-down Gatorade and other snacks.


Saturday, April 23, 2011

How to stay motivated when the weather says "no"

Unless you live in paradise (ahem), you are bound to come across days such as the dreary, rainy day we are having in Philly today. Not the best motivator. What's worse.. my gyms are closed due to the holiday weekend, so I can not even do that.
So, what shall I do? I know! I'll put my bike on my trainer... no, wait, it's at the bike shop getting tuned up for the season. Hmmmm... Stretching and balance ball core exercises it is! And, of course, my shoulder exercises for P/T.

Motivators on a day like today... the Ironman poster above my computer, the little notes strategically placed throughtout my apartment (and my office at Rosemont).. "Keep Moving," "Focus," "Anything is Possible."

Unexpected motivator today: THE SUN!!
I decided once it stopped raining that I was going to head to Valley Forge again. Decent temp at 60 degrees, still cloudy, but at least the rain stopped. Much to my surprise, about 5 minutes into my jog/walk... this bright yellow thing emerged from behind the gray clouds!! Could it be? Is it really? Ditching the jacket... and a 3 mile jog/walk (mostly jog this time...I'm getting there) was born! I felt ALIVE! The sun on my face, the beads of sweat dripping slowly down my face...

Now... dinner time! MacGyver meal... rice noodles w/ tempeh and vegetables. I hope it tastes as good as it smells!

Keep moving...

Friday, April 22, 2011

Can't believe I'm blogging...

I have decided to blog about my experience training for my first Half-Ironman Triathlon (race day, October 2, 2011, Pocono Mountains). Hopefully this will keep me accountable.

To begin, why the hell am I doing a half-Ironman?? It all started way back...almost a long time back. My older brother Patrick moved to Hawai'i a number of years ago. As time passed, he began getting involved in the local running, and eventually triathlon scene. He was hooked. His first marathon was the Honolulu marathon, Dec 2001. What a great sight, watching him cross that finish line. I thought he was crazy.
A few years later, he was racking up the triathlon races in Kona. He qualified for the Ford Ironman World Championships in 2004, by placing in the top 3 in his age group at the Honu Triathlon that June. I immediately booked my ticket to Kona for that October.
As inspiring as watching Patrick cross the finish in Honolulu was, watching him cross the finish in Kona that October evening was, by far, the proudest moment of my life. I cried as I draped the finishers lei around his neck and helped him to the medical tent, along with my parents, sister and other brother.

That was my inspiration. I figured, shit, if Patrick can start this extreme way of life in his mid-late 30s, so can I!!

February 2008. Decision made. I'm going to do my first triathlon in June. Training starts tomorrow. Tomorrow comes. I can't get out of bed. Not for lack of motivation, but for lack of physical ability to move the upper right side of my body. The pain was excruciating. Shit! I'm supposed to go swimming. Instead, the call is made to my doctor, who then orders xrays and MRIs...Herniated disc at C6/7. Not good. A few months of physical therapy and a epidural shot later, no progress. The decision is made. I have to have neck surgery.

May 2008. As it so happens, the day I had my surgery was the same day that Ted Kennedy was diagnosed with brain cancer. This of course was the first thing my mother told me when I woke up from surgery. Very sad news. Kept me from thinking about me. Four miserable days in the hospital, two months in a hard neck brace, three months off of work, and months of therapy later.. I decide. I'm doing that damn triathlon.

May 2009. One year to the date of my release from the hospital after neck surgery, I finish my first sprint triathlon! Tri For Our Veterans in Sea Isle City, NJ. The ocean water was a brisk 57 degrees (I think they were being generous with that report), but that is why some very smart person invented the wetsuit! The bike was flat and fast. The run, on the beach. Not so much fun, but I was (and still am) determined.
The best part, other than finishing, having mom and dad there to Cheer me on, and calling my brother in Hawaii at 9am east coast time to tell him I finished!

That was it. I was hooked.

2010 season.... came and went with some finished races and some not finished races due to injury. But I was happy. The best was racing in Mt. Gretna, PA where my family has been gathering for over 60 years. Super special race... and HILLY!! Who knew Amish Country in central PA was that hilly... good thing I live close and was able to scout and ride the course before race day.

2011 season. Here we go.... after deciding to compete in the inaugural Ironman 70.3 Pocono Mountains, the seemingly inevitable happened. Dec 4, 2010 I was hit by a car while walking along a sidewalk. Nearly 5 months of therapy and shoulder surgery later, I am starting the training process from what feels like ground zero. Dammit if the idiot who hit me is going to keep me from reaching my goals!

Thanks for stopping by... and Keep moving..
