Saturday, May 5, 2012

Change of plans...

Three months until race day. I get an email from Ironman saying that 70.3 National Harbor has been cancelled. No explanation, just cancelled. Needless to say, their Facebook page is blowing up with confused and angry athletes from all over the world. I feel for those who had to book air travel for this race. They're not going to get that money back. Thankfully the event is (was) only about a 3 hour drive for me. And thank god I didn't pre-pay for the hotel. So, now to find a new "A" race for 2012. I'm considering Steelhead in Michigan Aug 19 or Timberman in New Hampshire, also Aug 19. Hopefully there are still spots open...

Saturday, April 28, 2012


It's back to business... The cast came off one week ago. Crazy sore and stiff for several days. Today, however, I hit my threshold. It was time to get back on the mat, yoga mat that is. I have to say, it felt damn good, even though I wasn't able to hold some poses yet. First race of the season is in 2 weeks. Annapolis, MD. Sprint distance. This will definitely be a training day for me. Not going to go all out, just gonna get my tri groove back. Having all the shit happen to me last year that thwarted my season has me a little rusty on transitions and other race-day type of things. It will be good to 'practice' before the other races. Race dates planned: Annapolis, May 12 (sprint) Philly, June 24 (Olympic) National Harbor, MD, August 5 (70.3, half-ironman) If I survive Aug 5th, there's always the possibility of late season races. Maybe even the Philadelphia Marathon in November. Maybe. Not going to get ahead of myself...

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Injury update


the sprained fingers/wrist actually broken thumb and wrist and sprained fingers. cast for 3 weeks. of course i went with the waterproof version so I can still swim! Feels weird in the water, but it works!

Good times are being had trying to do everyday tasks... just sayin'

Be careful out there

Monday, March 26, 2012

Had to crash at some point, right?

So spring sprang in amazing glory last week. I felt like I was in Hawaii, mi us the beautiful blue waters, erupting volcanoes and birds of paradise.
I went for my first real run... A great 3 miles at Valley Forge. Unbelievably gorgeous. The it was yoga for the second time that day. Thursday was ridiculously gorgeous...nearly 80 degrees. No way I wasn't getting on my bike for a good 30-40 mile ride. Yoga in the morning, and then to the Schuylkill River Trail I headed. I even put on sunscreen for this ride!
It was lovely. Riding the SET during the day during the week is great, never crowded, no swerving around families and little ones...smooth riding! Mile 10. Feeling great, good pace, good cadence. Slight curve on the paved path. Take the slight downhill curve steady and not too fast. At least that's what I thought. I don't know if I got a piece of gravel that had found its way onto the path or if somehow my pedal really did graze the pavement, but the next thing I knew I was on the ground, next to a tree which I thankfully didn't hit, with my bike laying on top of me. WTF just happened?? The only thing I know for sure is that,had I not been wearing my helmet, I would have been really screwed. As we used to call them when I was. Limbo g, thank god for my "brain bucket." felt things rattling arou d in there as I hit the ground hard and rolled toward that tree.
Mostly road rash a d big ass bruises, or so I thought. Even though I landed on my right side, I managed to sprain my left thumb and wrist. Well, sprain is what the told me initially in the ER Thursday. This morning, Monday, I get a all from the ER saying that I actually BROKE my thu b and wrist. WTF??? So, off to the ortho I go this afternoon to get my first ever cast. Ia,most made it to 40 without a broken bone. Almost.

So what does this mean for my training and tri plans for this year? They better put me in a waterproof cast so I can still swim. I have no plans to not train. I just have to adapt. So adapt I will.

Until next time...

Friday, March 9, 2012


Gorgeous day yesterday, nearly 70 degrees. Who could resist riding outside? Certainly not this trainee!
As beautiful as is was, the windy was not as cooperative. I found myself white-knuckling my bars so as to not get blown off my bike. Yikes! But, in this sport, you have to be ready for anything so I consider it part of the training process. I just hope it's not that windy on race days... particularly Aug 5!

Here's what I saw on my ride today:

And spring doesn't officially start for another week and a half!! Seeing these little bits of beauty made the white-knuckles worth it.

Don't forget... daylight savings this weekend!
Off to yoga

Happy aloha Friday!

Friday, March 2, 2012

What a way to start the weekend!

So, I have to admit, it has been awhile since I've been in the pool. I've been spending thee majority of my time concentrating on yoga and spinning(not quite warm enough yet for me to venture outside on a regular basis). And, with a 3 week span in February of recurring migraines, swimming was not at the top of my list of things to do.
But, it's a new month and I was feeling the need...the need for chlorinated water this morning. Pool opens at 7:00am, I was there at 7:15. 1 hour and 45 minutes, 2350 yards later, I had to get out....damn work! The water felt soooooo good, well, not at first, it seemed a little chilly. But, as swimmers know, once you get going, you warm up.
I could have same for another hour...but, work was calling. I surely couldn't deny my students the awesome mid-term they had so diligently been studying for, now could I? That would just be rude of me. So here I sit as they take their mid-terms... The sounds of erasers erasing, pens scribbling and scratching out answers, perplexed looks upon their faces, sigh after sigh... Yeah, no way I could deny them this experience! I just hope they don't ask for extra time at the end.. I have a hot yoga class to get to!

Happy March!


Saturday, February 25, 2012

Freaky February Weather

I had my morning all planned for today... yoga class, then a bike ride before having to get ready to go to a cousin's wedding in the city this evening.

Well, the yoga part was fantastic (thanks as always to Diane at Focus Fitness). But then yoga ended; I was putting my shoes on to leave and I looked up. BLIZZARD conditions!! Really, WTF? No forecast I saw said anything about snow. There went those plans. Seriously, Mother Nature, make up your mind. Either 60 degrees or winter. This back and forth is wreaking havoc on my training plans, and I'm sure on others' as well.

On the bike trainer I go...

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Fresh air with Focus

Okay, so it wasnt quite 'balmy' while I was riding, it was more crisp with a bit of wind thrown in for good measure. BUT... The only thing that matters is that I was OUTSIDE and not on a trainer! Glorious!
Started the morning with 1 1/2 hr yoga class, then the ride, and to top the day off, a 1 1/2 hr hot yoga class! Again, I say glorious.

In all it's crispy coolness, I must say the ride along the SRT was beautiful, barely a cloud in the sky... Not sure if it was windburn or sunburn I was feeling on my face, but the fact that I was FINALLY riding outside (for the first time since August and after major surgery in September) superseded any concern about a little redness on my face. Damnit, it felt incredible to be back on my bike, outside.

And let me tell you, those spinning classes are paying off! Mahalo aplenty again to everyone at Focus Fitness!

Happy training!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Winter? What winter?

Mother nature continues to baffle us with her cunning take on winter this year. Tomorrow, Saturday 18 February is set to be a balmy 50 degrees here in Philly. What does this mean, other than the fact that I have yet to brush snow off of my car or had the need to break out my super cold weather winter attire.... It means, it's time to ride outside my friends!
Full report after the ride, and yoga of course!


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Daily mantras

I am beginning to realize that starting the day with a mantra allows me to stay the course. My most used mantra to date:

Follow the path of complete devotion and unwavering focus.

Think about it for a minute. If we all can do this in every aspect of our lives, imagine how much less stress we would be under, how much happier we would be!
I do have to admit that this week was a wash.... a 4 day migraine had me in bed and getting sick, so my focus was shot to hell. But, I am getting it back. And with that, my devotion to training for this incredible goal I have set for myself. 
So, now that I am migraine free, it's back to the mat, the bike, the pool, and the pavement or track or whichever surface I can devote my run to.

Happy trails,

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

6 months to go...

Yesterday marked the 6 month-to-the-date to the BIG race day, Ironman 70.3 National Harbor. 6 months. Breathe, Megan, breathe.

Okay, actually I am working on the breathing.... Yoga ha transformed my training and focus.

I've been a swimmer my whole life, biking I'm fine with...but running. I dont't breathe. I am tense when I run; I'm tense because I'm not breathing properly because I just want to get through the horror I've always considered running. I also never learned proper physical running technique. I'm working on that, too. Thanks to Joanna (Nutrition in Motion... for helping me relearn how to run... I hope.. no, I know, it will work.

So.. The training continues even though life/work likes to poke its way in every now and then. If it weren't for work and life, this would be the life. Then again, it all makes me who I am, and has put people in my life for whom I am eternally grateful. So, to all those who believe in me, encourage me, push me.... Mahalo nui loa.

Until next time...

Monday, January 23, 2012

Pool session...

First pool session in awhile. Water was freezing! Was not expecting that. It was a short one, as I hopped in before the team I coach arrived for practice. Then it was off to yoga....
Tomorrow morning, 6am, Spinning & Yoga at Focus Fitness

Saturday, January 21, 2012

New Year, Renewed energy. It's on!

Okay, so 2011 was a wash. With getting hit by the car and having to have shoulder surgery, and another major surgery (unrelated to car accident) in Sept, my goal for doing a half-Ironman in 2011 fell way short.

But, friends, it's a new year and I have an amazingly new outlook on life, training, goals, etc. So, save the date, Aug 5, 2012. Ironman 70.3 National Harbor is my new official goal. Yes, I say official as I have officially registered! YIKES. But I'm going to do it.

How and where did I get this new focus? Well, quite literally at a place called FOCUS FITNESS. The best yoga/spinning studio on the Main Line. I have finally found what I have been needing. Not only have I healed so much more quickly from my Sept surgery than all the doctors and everyone ever imagined, I have met the most amazing, supportive, kind people on the planet. Kudos to the staff at FFML.
Oh, and if you are in the Philly/Main Line area and are looking for such a place: I promise you will not be disappointed.

I'll be keeping you posted...
